Program Dates:

Calling high school film fans!

Scenesters is FREE and open to public, private, and homeschooled high school-age students who have a passion for film. During the school year, Scenesters will attend monthly screenings, followed by dialogues, at FilmScene. From new releases to FilmScene’s popular film series, Scenesters will learn how to better understand, analyze and critique the films they see.

Scenesters will complete their semester-long experience by programming two evenings (one film per day) at FilmScene - presenting films they program as a team. At these screenings, Scenesters will introduce the film and then engage the audience in a dialogue after the film.

Students interested must:

  1. complete the online application | return applicants
  2. provide one professional letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, after school program leader, religious leader, etc.
  3. be a rising Junior or Senior in high school during the 2024-2025 school year
  4. must be able to commit to the listed program dates (two absences allowed) at approximately 6-7PM at FilmScene and to being present on programming dates.

The Scenesters program is free for invited participants. Each screening includes pizza, popcorn and soda.

Scenesters is part of FilmScene's continued efforts to expand education and film literacy programming. This program is fully supported by our members, supporters, sponsors and grant makers.

© 2024 FilmScene